Ethan Gilchrist Head-shot

Ethan Gilchrist


  1. Privoro
    Position Details Duration (5/2020 - Present)
    * Junior Software Developer Continued work as a dev on the Cloud Team focused on improving back-end Device API service and front-end website. • Crushed bugs, implemented sweeping improvements to API and customer portal scalable to thousands of users. • Improvements to testing automation catch errors to help prevent deployment of breaking issues to production. • Programmed in JavaScript, React, and Node while maintaining cloud deployment and automation via Docker on AWS. 8/2020 - Present
    * Software Intern Worked as an intern for the Cloud Development Team at Privoro on back-end Device API service and front-end website. • Developed an internal automated regression testing suite with a team of interns and wrote 100s of front-end tests. • Learned and implemented code in JavaScript, React, and Node. Deployed projects to automation on AWS CodeBuild. • Integrated into the existing developer team with ease and communicated across the branches of the company daily. 5/2020 - 8/2020
  2. Luminosity Lab: Academy Engineer 1/2020 - 5/2020 Studied modern web development via JavaScript, ReactJS, and NodeJS in special program highlighting key industry skills. • Developed semester-long project in SCRUM/AGILE methodology with an emphasis on applied web technologies. • Learned about UI/UX design, machine learning, and tech leadership. Improved skills applicable to front-end career.
  3. ASU Video Game Development Club (VGDC) Heatwave Studios: Systems Engineer 8/2019 - 5/2020 Worked in an full indie developer team responsible for creating video game software. • Developed C# code within the systems team responsible for creating well-functioning, maintainable tight code. • Practiced Agile Workflow and communication across four separate teams.
  4. The Cronkite Journal and Arizona PBS Magazine, Phoenix, AZ: Reporter and Designer 12/2018 - 5/2019 • Wrote stories for Cronkite Journal annual alumni magazine. Practiced communication skills integral to successful work. • Led and completed the design of 20+ page Spring Arizona PBS Magazine. Wrote stories for Summer issue of magazine.
  5. The State Press ASU News Site, Phoenix, AZ: Community Desk Reporter 8/2018 - 12/2018 • Crafted ASU relevant stories. Experienced and succeeded in working with a team of student reporters. • Breaking news coverage reached 5000+ students on major topics. Maintained weekly work cadence.



Computer Science Student with extensive full-stack developer experience via ASU back-end projects and front-end work as a professional developer. Knowledgeable in Java (object-orientation), C/C++, and JavaScript. Mastering web-dev principles via JS/Node/React at work. Studying mobile-dev via Swift(UI) in free-time and for thesis. Worked 5+ years in journalism prior.


Currently in college.
Institution Details
* Barrett Honors College B.S., Computer Science;
* Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering Graduating December 2021
* Arizona State University 4.0 GPA


Full-stack music app with Python and PostgreSQL



Full-stack iOS app with SwiftUI and API calls



Working professionally as full-stack JavaScript developer with Privoro
